Where is the Water Bottled?
We are proud to bottle in aluminum bottles and locally in Texas.
What’s different compared to other bottled water?
We start where other purified water brands end. Our proprietary system, located in Texas, is fed by HOW's reverse osmosis system. Most purified bottled water companies go directly from that step, add some generic minerals for taste, and bottle. Where they end is where we start - by feeding the standard reverse osmosis water through our own proprietary multi-step filtering system that strips absolutely every remaining impurity from the water. This Hyper pure water then enters a patented vortex system that injects 98% pure oxygen and spins through crystals that creates nano oxygen bubbles that lodge into spaces in the structure of the water. The result is our unique hyperpure oxygenated water.
Why should I care if the water is Hyperpure?
Drinking pure water does much more than quench your thirst. Drinking water also keeps the body in good condition. There are many benefits to drinking clean, fresh water, and here are some of the best to keep in mind. The human body consists mainly of water. This important fluid is present in our blood, in our muscles, in our brains, and in our bones. Water is therefore not only necessary for hydration, but also for maintaining the balance between the body and complex processes such as cell regeneration, respiration, digestion and elimination of toxins. At HOW, we are religious about not cutting corners on purity and want our customers to know that when they drink our water, they can be assured that the water that is circulating throughout your body is hyperpure.
How much water should I drink per day?
One question that comes up often is how much water we should drink. People often take the 2/3 of weight rule and covert into OZ and think that’s how much they need for daily consumption. For example, if you weight 160 pounds you would need to consume 107 oz of water (nearly seven 16 0z bottles. That’s a lot of water, but what is missing is how much of that water do we “drink” from other sources. The following is a thorough scientific article hydration https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2908954/.
To summarize on average 2-3 bottles/day would satisfy most people’s hydration needs assuming that they are getting the other sources of water from other beverages (milk, juices, soft drinks, alcohol, etc). We would also recommend for hard workouts that require larger qualities of water to save 16OZ of HOW for help in recovery at the end of the work out.
Isn't bottled “rainwater” the purest form of drinking water?
There is nothing inherently unsafe about or wrong with drinking rainwater if it’s clean. In fact, many communities around the world depend on rainwater as their primary source of drinking water. That said, not all rainwater is safe to drink. Several physical and environmental factors can quickly turn fresh, clean rainwater into a potential health hazard. It can contain pollutants that is in the air and parasites, harmful bacteria, and viruses and has historically been linked to disease outbreaks. In truth, all drinking water starts as rainwater so regardless of the final source you are drinking rainwater, and the bottled rainwater must go through a multi-step purification like other standard purified water brands.